“I just picked up my heart from the ground…MY GOD!!!!!” - Monika, client from 2021
Step 1:Email me to check if I’m traveling near you this year!
Step 2: Reserve your session.
(Limited sessions available. Questions before you snag yours? Email me! And be sure to read the FAQ below).
Step 3: Schedule your creative consultation.
There is a reason the art we make of your life + love looks like nothing else out there.
Whether you want me to show up and create photos just as you are, or are ready to plan a wild vision together, let’s discuss how the art will be made.
I first listen to what you envision, then guide you through my simple process to custom create just that.
Step 4: I come to you and guide you through a one-of-a-kind experience: making art from simple presence.
You will feel, you will connect with your humanity, you will wonder.
I speak of making art but the building blocks of that art are the most human parts of you and those you love. The process is as real, accessible and imperfectly beautiful as life itself.
Some of my favorite and most frequent feedback from clients is when they tell me they don’t even care how the photos turn out, because the experience itself felt so special.
“Not me crying through the gallery for the 10th time in two days. Worth all the years I waited for a shoot with Yan and then some.” -Kate
How long is a session?
Your session lasts up to three hours. The three hours can be total shooting time, or it can be broken up into two separate shooting periods of 1.5 hours each. If you do split up your shooting time, the two shooting periods must take place within 24 hours of each other.
“It’s so much more than pictures when we get to work with you and I’m forever grateful to be seen in this way and hold onto these images to always look back on. We love you! As an artist, yes, but more than that, as the beautiful person you are.” - Lauren
Why would I want to split up my shooting time?
There are a lot of reasons dividing your shooting time is a good choice:
Making photos for three hours straight can be exhausting. For you, for me, for your kids.
Designating and dividing the actual shooting time into periods of 1.5 hours lets us move more slowly with less pressure as well as catch our breaths in between shooting periods.
When clients do decide to split their shooting time, I often stay overnight in their homes. This gives us time to make images in the evening, rest, and then make more images in the morning golden light.
Will I likely keep my camera’s with me and snap those delicious in between moments that speak in a way guided photos cannot? You bet your bottom dollar I will. This way I get to be both a spy cam photographer and one guiding you gently into the present moments that are so natural between you and your loved ones.
Splitting your shooting time into two 1.5 sessions is a great option to create a well rounded experience from our time together. For instance, we can use one shooting period for more timeless portraits of your family, And another shooting period to get wildly creative. That way you get the best of both worlds.
Since I’ve been making photographs for almost 14 years. I know what it takes to create art that feels both effortless and true. Splitting up shooting time works. ;)
Making artful photos requires skills beyond that of a photographer alone.
I am also a creative director.
I am also a guide to heart centered connection.
I am also a space holder for pure emotion.
During our session, I create a container that is strong enough to hold pure emotion; whether that emotion is joy, grief, love, wonder or creation
By splitting up our time together into two, 1.5 hour shooting periods, you are able to use each shooting period for a unique purpose that will anchor the art we co create.
Other common examples of splitting shooting time:
some clients want part of their session to be with their entire family, and another part of the session to be just them.
Or just their children. Or just themselves and their partner.
some clients. want both family photos and photos of themselves. making their own art
some clients want one shooting period to be for clothed photos, and the second shooting period to be used for nudes
some clients like to use one shooting period to make photos at home, and the second period at another location
i could go on and on with combinations. The point is to find a combination most meaningful and suited for your needs.
“The waves of change we each experienced this year, I see in these photos. And in front of it all, our love for one another. This here…them, my heart open wide.”
- Ingrid
What if I’m not sure what I want, I just love your work so damn much and know that it's been my dream to hire you for years?
I have a process that makes co-creating together easy. Once you book, you will schedule a total of two creative consult calls with me that take place over zoom. The first is the planning call I previously mentioned and will take place within a month of booking. During this call we can better explore the options of how to make the most of our session. The second creative consultation call will take place at least three weeks prior to the shoot to finalize all details.
What if I want to chat before I book?
With limited spaces available, I wouldn’t wait too long. :) However, I am happy to set up a consultation. Reach out via email to arrange: yan@yanpalmer.com
What if I have a crazy idea for a shoot, but I have never seen it done and I am not sure you’ll go along?
You are my ideal client. This is how we make the best art together. Reach out.
“Yan gave us such a gift. Our time with her was magical and we all felt seen and beautiful. The kids still talk about her from time to time. The photos are everything I imagined they might be, and a treasure of memory for us. I can’t look away.” - Jamie
What if I want to photograph a creative concept with you but I don’t have one in mind?
I’ve got a million. Let's find one that aligns with you and your story.
“HOLY SHIT. The way Yan sees things. Yan is such a talent.” - Chelsea
What if I want plain old family photos?
I’ll tell you a secret. I take plenty of traditional photos. I just don’t prioritize them unless I am asked. And getting traditional photos should not be your main reason for hiring me.
If your main objective is a Christmas card photo, I am not the photographer for you. If your main objective is classic portraiture, I am not the photographer for you. If your main objective is to have a treasured experience making photos that feel like both art and intimate witness you sense you badly need? Then I’m your lady.
“Photos from our time with Yan just came back and I can’t stop looking at them. It’s just so us. I am so grateful to have these from such a big time in our life.” -Katy
What are some examples of a creative concept?
An exceptional location that’s meaningful to you.
Photographing yourselves nude/bathing/swimming
Actually making the art you love
Dancing and writing poetry in magic marker on your bodies
Constructing a more editorial vibe in your living room.
I could go on and on.
See examples of sessions that are a good mix of some traditional photos + creative concepts here. HERE. HERE.HERE.AND HERE.
“What photos will you be showing your grandchildren one day? I know I’ll be showing mine these photos by Yan!” - Marilyn
Why are you only accepting limited sessions in 2023?
The world has changed. So have I. So has the way I must honor both the needs of my family life, and your needs as a client. Taking less sessions lets me better serve you mindfully and artfully with a fully customized experience.
When I babble on about presence, its not just talk. My intention is to be as present as I can with each client, while still leaving time to be present with my three children as a single parent.
That means way less time on the wild road, as much as I love it there.
Why have your prices gone up?
I am so grateful to my incredible clients who have supported my art and encouraged me to stand firm in my value, even as I am saddened that doing so means I can no longer serve all of you.
I increased my prices for many reasons (you can read the whole origin story here), but the main reason is because what I am offering has quite literally increased in value. By reducing the number of sessions I accept, I. am increasing the time, care, attention and creativity I joyfully dedicate to each one.
My prices reflect my approach which is that of an artist who has dedicated many years to crafting both an experience and product that is truly extraordinary.
You are worth it. And so am I.
“GAH how INSANE are these photos Yan!!!!!! I love them with all my being!!! We will be admiring these over and over again. The expressions are so intimate and “us”. Also, haven’t seen myself unclothed like this before and it was beautiful to see. Like getting to know myself more deeply. Something I didn’t know I needed. No one has your perspective. You are just extraordinarily brilliant beyond words can muster. My mind/heart miiiiiight actually explode!” - Brooke & Ryan
How does payment work?
A non refundable deposit of $1500 is required to book your session. The final payment of $1800 is required 6 weeks prior to your session date.
Pay the session in full and save $300!
How Does Covid affect the limited travel you are offering?
I will be following all protocols I can to reduce the spread of Covid, including vaccination + booster and testing before each session.
If you have additional concerns, please reach out via my contact form.
“You are the only person I could entrust with the task of shooting my group as a whole. I will cherish these images forever in my heart of hearts. You have a real knack for this stuff Mz Yan…You are so needed in this world to remind people of what it is to be human. It is a pleasure to watch it all unfold from the sidelines.” - Emily
I have been planning to hire you for years, now I’m heartbroken to find you aren’t coming to my city, what do I do?
I want to make this dream come true + and you have options. But to explore them, you will have to fill out my contact form and explain your situation.
Do I have to pay for your travel?
Only if you specially arrange for me to come to a location I have not offered.
“The way you see the world is mind blowing! I want you to photograph me so badly someday somehow.” - Pattiegonia