“I'm not talking about dance lessons. I'm talking
about putting a brick through the other guy's
windshield. I'm talking about taking it out and
chopping it up."
-Royal Tennenbaum

do you guys know that planning so far ahead makes me nervous? i think its simply a product of my history---- i've always been such a free spirited little bird who goes wherever the wind takes her that anything happening 3 months in the future might as well be an eternity away...
however, over the course of my adulthood, it has been brought to my attention many many many many times--that free spirited little birds, don't always do a good job of getting things done. and while i want to maintain my wandering soul, i'm also trying to grow up just a smidge, and give this planning thing i keep hearing so many people rave about, a real go of it.
bearing all that in mind, are you ready to be hit with some more travel dates? because here we go....
....in a minute, there's just one more thing.
i have to say first a word or two about what a travel session is-
its beyond the obvious of me simply coming to your city and giving you a super personalized (whether it be for your family or the love of your life and your pets) photography session that i pour my heart and soul into.
i mean, if i'm going to summon up all my willpower to leave my babies and my love, then spend at least 24 hours in a plane or car in order to come make some amazing photographs of your family
you better believe i'm going to make it GOSH. DARN. COUNT.
how could i not, when you're forking over a big wad of cash, and have believed in me enough to summon me to your general region of inhabitation ( <----this isn't even a real word, i looked up. but who cares?)?
how do we take it out and chop it up?
for starters, i'm not cramming in back to back sessions all in one location where you have to come to me. no, a session should be personal--however your family defines personal. we pull out all the stops. we hit up multiple locations if you want. i come to your home, spend an hour and a half, then we walk or drive or dance on over to another dream location you've always thought about trying, but have never had the guts to ask someone to hop that fance, or climb on that trolley, or wade through that ditch.... i'm the girl who will happily do that with you. i'll even wait half an hour in between locations so your kid can have a snack and a break.
please note, vandalism and tresspassing of any sort is NOT requisite, simply encouraged! ha. not even that, all i'm saying is these sessions are hard core, they're about giving it your all. even if your all is simply your family hanging out around your home on a lazy saturday morning.
-how much does it cost and how do you book? the flat rate for all travel sessions is $950 and includes a full res disk of your edited images with a print relase to go hog wild. Fee is due upon booking, just send me an email to photography.yan@gmail.com and i will send you time slot choices and an invoice.
without further ado, locations and dates through spring 2013 are:
Oklahoma City: November 1st (only 2 spots!)
Dallas, Texas: November 2-3
Houston, Texas: November 5
Austin, Texas: November 6-7
Phoenix, Arizona: Dec 7th
Las Vegas, NV: Dec 9th-10th
Tampa , or Orlando depending on where y'all are at Florida: Jan 31-Feb 2
Kansas City, Missouri: May 3-4
Cleveland, Ohio: May 6-7
Laie, Hawaii: Feb 22-24th (this location is dependent on bookings to make it fly)
LA area: March 1-2
San Francisco (area): March 4-5
San Diego: March 6-7
and lastly,
somewhere in canada sometime in june.... suggestions?
didn't see your city? be sure to check here and make sure i didn't already announce it (wink wink)