Have you wanted to do the teethkiss materials but felt too overwhelmed or alone and need a guide?

Have you completed the course on your own but crave personalized feedback?

Have you ever just wanted to super spy on someone ELSE doing the course and going DEEP so you can learn via their experience?

Have you done everything I told you to but you're still struggling and curious about deeper mindset shifts you need to make to thrive?


“There is so much shifting going on creatively within me and, maybe most importantly in my heart, since this class. I kind of can't believe all that I've gotten out of this workshop.”
— Drae Trounce

TEETHKISS THE CLASS gives you the opportunity to learn the material directly from me or at your own pace via recorded videos. The entire process takes place in a digital classroom facilitated by me and includes my active daily participation.

I have been working and teaching in this industry for over 12 years. Many of those who I have taught now teach. Learning directly from me is different because of my personal-as-a-fingerprint ability to create an environment that holds space for truth-centered growth that is as respectful as it is challenging.
We laugh, we cry, we ask the hard questions, we live the hard questions and let them inform our art.

We go DEEP into the soul journey to help you either find your feet, evolve or renew not only as an artist, but as a human being.

But how do we go deep in a classroom setting? Well, we focus primarily on four individuals as I take them through the TEETHKISS process. We support them and we learn by observing their soul work and growth as a mirror for our own.

In addition to these four participants, I will accept 12 live seats to the class who will directly aid, submit their questions, and also will receive personal weekly feedback from me on their own TEETHKISS assignments.

I also accept a unlimited number of silent seats. These seats do not get personalized feedback and are not able to ask me direct questions, but get to watch everyone else do so!



What will you learn in TEETHKISS - THE CLASS?

(Spoiler alert: everything I know about making meaningful images plus how to live life as a creative act, but also here's a list of bullet points to get more specific since that's what makes people justify buying stuff:)

• the four building blocks of identifying your UNIQUE voice

• how to identify and recreate your own style

• how to unify your existing work to reflect your SOUL

• how to create the work you see in your mind's eye, or pretty dang close

• how to use light to communicate emotion

• how to guide families into relaxed, yet powerful poses.

• how celebrating wherever you're at as an artist is THE thing that will accelerate your creative growth most

• how identifying the pain points where to push yourself as an artist and business owner is the OTHER thing you need to understand.

• how to fall in love with your clients, even the ones you think you hate

• how to make them fall in love with you or let them think they hate you and be okay with it as long as you showed up with integrity.

• how to make your images relaxed, organic, and authentic to your subjects

• how to feed your hungry artist AND honor the needs of your clients

• how to arrive at a shoot with a heart wide open that puts your clients at total ease

• how to channel the power of dynamics and story to guide the atmosphere of a shoot into a shared truth telling experience

• how to get over yourself to set yourself creatively free

• how to build a body of work you are proud of

• the abundance mentality you need to invite business and personal success.

• how to make work and build a business that is really based on the same values you use to live a meaningful life

• how to identify the opportunities to make money that exist for you RIGHT NOW


TEETHKISS is a four week class that takes place in a digital classroom. Fab Fours have their one-on-one sessions with me over Zoom. Our textbook is the original TEETHKISS PDF which you will also have access to during the class.

Weekly teaching is live, but always recorded!

So if you miss it in real time, you can view the lesson on YOUR time. Students will have access to course content for 6 months so that they may work at their own pace if needed. There are weekly assignments. Live Seat students will get personalized weekly feedback on their assignment via screencast. There are weekly Q&As for both live and silent participants.