Creative Counsel is perfect for you if:

  • you want me to look at your work and tell you what I really see. Duh!

  • you’ve ever wished for someone to look at your work with a fresh perspective.

  • you crave REAL feedback from someone who isn’t expected to love every single thing you do like your spouse, best friend or mom. Someone who will give it to you straight without smashing you to pieces. Someone who can see trends, messages and gifts in your work that not even you have seen before. Someone who can explain the way your art ties into your soul in a way that will leave you a little speechless and a lot motivated.

  • you've been to workshops and meetups hoping to connect and be seen, but leave disappointed as often the focus is more on the hosts than on you and your creative journey.

  • you feel called to activate an intentional creative path, but don’t know where to start.

That’s where I come in.

I am best at seeing you in all your flawed and brilliant glory. It’s the same thing that makes me great at taking photos: an ability to look beyond the surface to the ineffable and give it a name.

Beyond that, I’ll give you a method to access your personal voice that actually works, so you can hone in on creating work that is unique and authentic to you.


  • Many creatives feel stuck or unsure about the next steps in their journey. Creative Counsel helps you identify a clear direction and provides practical tools and exercises to activate an intentional and authentic creative path.

  • If you’re unsure about your visual preferences or struggling to develop a distinctive style, Creative Counsel offers exercises and personalized guidance to help refine and clarify your creative vision.

  • Personalized guidance and a close read of your body of work with your specific goals in mind.


A 1:1 mentorship hour you can use to pick my brain about whatever you want. What are you stuck on? What questions do you have?

When you sign up for a session, you’ll receive:

  • A detailed questionnaire that helps me understand your current creative process and identify the areas where you need the most help. (You don’t need to be a professional photographer for this to benefit you.)

  • A creative exercise designed to reveal your visual preferences. You’ll use ten of your own images for this task. (Instructions will be provided after purchase.)

  • A one-hour Zoom session to discuss your work and next steps. Sessions will be recorded so you can refer back and use it as a foundation for your creative journey.

  • Actionable steps and strategies you can use to take your creative practice to the next level.

Whether you need a traditional portfolio review or a broader creative strategy session, Creative Counsel sessions adapt to meet your needs, making it a flexible and valuable resource for creatives at any stage of their journey.

Preferred but not required: If you have a link to a website or gallery showcasing your recent work, please share it. But if you’re a beginner and don’t have a portfolio yet, that’s completely okay—it’s not a requirement.

Curious but want to see results first?
Check out what others have to say!

I’m ready to sign up! How does it work?

I’m ready to sign up! How does it work?

Within a week of signing up, you’ll get an email with:

  1. A scheduling link: Please note that these are the only available times, so make sure you can fit one into your schedule.

  2. An intensive questionnaire: This will help me understand your current creative needs.

  3. Instructions for your creative exercise: You’ll need to submit everything at least 48 hours before our video call.

*** there are a set number of slots available for each month. most clients book at least one month in advance. upon booking you will receive a calendar link with the time slots available for the month you selected.