Q: What is a Fab Four?

A: The Chosen Four. Live, guided, personal attention for four weeks throughout the process. 4 live Creative Counsel sessions, live guided practice in finding your why and your personal, creative and business blocks and breakthroughs. Perfect for you if you thrive on being held accountable, getting direct feedback tailored to your needs, and are looking for a personal and guided way to make huge creative strides in a short amount of time.

*all of these processes will be live and recorded for the other students in the class to follow along with and to provide you feedback. It’s an incredible opportunity to push yourself and grow while guided by an experience teacher who has walked many through this process in a formal workshop setting.

Q: What is a Live Seat?

A: Live Seats get to watch all of the sessions, of course, plus they receive personalized feedback from Yan on their weekly assignments.

Q: What is a Silent Seat?

A: Silent Seats get to watch everything, but don’t get personal feedback from Yan. They get 6 months of access to all class materials, the online discussion group community and all of the recordings and Q&As.