one to twenty nine . number one / utah wedding photographer destination wedding photographer

dear yan fan, i've been getting these awful migraines.  and that's part of the reason why i haven't been entirely presentable the past couple days.  and to be honest, it's only part of the reason (nevertheless it is part of the reason) that i may have gone unshaven for several days now.  so today our barely two-year-old daughter wren came up to me and got close to my face.  she examined my scruff and in her adorable little voice said, "you like a porcupine."

(some of you have emailed me asking me to tell you when my daughter started making similes, so i thought i'd let you know).

today that same daughter made yan smile this adoring smile and i caught it in camera.  that moment becomes the first of twenty nine maternity portraits you'll see here in the next twenty nine days (not counting sundays - didn't want you to be disappointed when sunday rolls around).  it's a project i'm calling 'one to twenty nine.'  and yes folks, all of these portraits will be of yan.




i need to tell you something | utah photographer, boise photographer

doesn't it feel like so long since we've last talked? i am not loving the sense of disconnect i'm feeling over here. truth be told, lately there has been just way too much about work and  life that i'm not "loving," so much. so i'm changing it.

there's a lot i have to catch you all up on (can you say wppi, plus baby's status, plus didn't i open a studio?). but mainly i wanted to let you know that i finally feel like i'm about to break out of a slump, and i'm going to do it by simply being me. i've never been one to hold back. i'm the type that as soon as i meet you i want to show you my cellulite, admit my inability to multi task, and divulge the rest of my long list of flaws, just so you know who you're really getting. martin disapproves. hahahahha.

but that's me. and i strongly believe in being the best version of who you are are in favor of trying to be anyone else. how else can we honestly connect as fellow humans? =)

so look out, here i come, starting with a picture of my six month pregnant self in stretch pants. yes, it kind of hurts to post this. on the way to vegas, marty and i pulled over on the side of the road and worked some self timer magic. this was supposed to be for a submission to a bludomain contest (never happened, the details confuse me), hence us both wearing plaid shirts. however, good old uncle marty later revealed to me that he wishes we would have coordinated ALL of our WPPI "outfits," you know, to make an impact.

i love that man.PLAID blog

justin and trish | boise wedding photographer, utah wedding photographer

i couldn't believe it. there i was---all set to gather my things for my flight to boise for a weekend of work--go to double check departure time, and what do i find? i'm not scheduled to leave until next week. next week? next freaking week?!!! i needed to be in boise by the next day for work at 9am. the best part? non-refundable. good-bye $200. looks like the 6 hour drive to boise i was so proud of myself for avoiding this time around would come to pass after all. on no sleep. my eyes were already bloodshot. sigh. martin and i brainstorm, what's the best way to go about this little venture i was now referring to under my breath as the boise weekend from you know where (i'm so bold). we talk to our clients, and are able to push back sessions until 2pm the next day. martin and i would make an early 6am departure from provo. all would be well.

but then.

then it turned out a lot better than well. not only did martin and i get to spend some much needed quiet time together (girls were left home with grandparents) on the drive, we also got to meet trish and justin. then we got to spend the entire afternoon with them. trish and justing were so easy going and lovable, it was more like hanging out with friends than work. martin and i pushed ourselves creatively. we drove to a middle of nowhere type location (my favorite sort!) per justin's brilliant suggestion. and we got some of the loveliest photos we've taken.

so even though we turned right back around for a quick drive back home to our babies, logging in 12 hours of driving in one day total. martin and i arrived home feeling refreshed. that's what having wonderful clients can do for you. thanks trish and justin, let's do this again real soon (as in april for your wedding).