.... i'm so nervous, i'm shaky just typing about it, but tonight there is something really cool going on. a few weeks ago i met a girl named melanie at the bijou market. we got to talking and she told me about how she and a few of her artist friends are working to establish a regular gathering of artists, so to speak. read about the whole idea on their fancy website here. you see, melanie has this idea of uniting the variety of artists here in ut rather than stroking the old flames of cut throat competition (because, yes, even artists can get ugly about that sort of thing). i liked melanie's idea. a lot. who wouldn't? so when she called me up about a week ago, and asked me to fill in to speak for someone way cooler and more popular than i, cough, justin hackworth, i was a little taken aback, but before i knew it, there i was agreeing.
now here i am, a few hours before the event doing my best to put together an entertaining 10 minutes on the subject of inspiration. completing this project might require a second bowl of ice cream.
my point in typing all of this is that you should COME. not to hear me speak. not to make me feel more nervous by increasing the number of faces in the room, but because as artists, are cool, and if you are one, its a good idea to surround yourself with other artists. duh. and even if you can't come tonight, you should head on over to their website to read more about it because this is going to be a regular get together kind of thing!
so wish me luck, and i hope to see you there!