uncle marty's second portrait, and baby update | utah photographer, idaho photographer

so i saw the dr. today. not my doctor. but the ultrasound doctor. i get to have some extra ultra sounds during this pregnancy because of what i so ominously mentioned before about the baby's "condition." i really feel bad for going and getting you all worked up and concerned, because truly, it appears as though things will be just fine with our baby boy.  you see, his umbilical cord (or is it mine? not sure how that all works out...) should have three  vessels, but his only has two (way to stand out junior! you know i enforce being different!!!). also, apparently this cord is truly delinquent because it decided to implant on the side of my placenta rather than the center....both of those things increase the risk of additional birth defects (none detected thus far), and a baby that may or may not be a little on the small side.  so the dr.'s have to keep a close eye to make sure he grows the way that he should. all things considered ---- namely one of my best friend's who just lost her brand new precious little one, and another friend who sadly miscarried at 9 weeks, we are extremely, extremely lucky.

and i think that's good to remember.

mommy and myra blog

dear yan,

yesterday i did some reading on these cluster headaches i've been having.  the weirdest thing about them is how scheduled they are and that's how i know they're not migraines.  right now i'm having them at noon and 3 am.  remember in hawaii how i had them for over a month?  well, apparently that's normal.  and it's apparently normal to think suicidal thoughts because the pain is so intense (i must be either really tough or have a 'mild' case of cluster headaches although i did wish i could die once in hawaii).  i read one statement from a physician who said he believes cluster headaches cause the worst pain known to man (he mentioned childbirth specifically, but i still reverence childbirth as the pinnacle of pain).

i just want to thank you for being so sweet.  it warmed my heart that you got the medication for me this morning.  and i was so grateful that you took an initiative since a headache came on just as you came through the door.

sticking to the bright side, i'm grateful for the pain i've experienced because it's taught me to work and serve even though i'm uncomfortable.  it helped my self-esteem the other day when i helped my dad lay the floor through my noon headache.  and i feel better about myself when i can still be a nice person to everyone (especially our girls) even when i'm in extreme pain.  so i'm grateful for what it's taught me and made me believe about myself.  and i love you all the more for what it teaches me about you.  yesterday, when you said you were too self-absorbed, i couldn't remember ever disagreeing with you so strongly.  you are the most unselfish person i know.

i love you.


one to twenty nine . number one / utah wedding photographer destination wedding photographer

dear yan fan, i've been getting these awful migraines.  and that's part of the reason why i haven't been entirely presentable the past couple days.  and to be honest, it's only part of the reason (nevertheless it is part of the reason) that i may have gone unshaven for several days now.  so today our barely two-year-old daughter wren came up to me and got close to my face.  she examined my scruff and in her adorable little voice said, "you like a porcupine."

(some of you have emailed me asking me to tell you when my daughter started making similes, so i thought i'd let you know).

today that same daughter made yan smile this adoring smile and i caught it in camera.  that moment becomes the first of twenty nine maternity portraits you'll see here in the next twenty nine days (not counting sundays - didn't want you to be disappointed when sunday rolls around).  it's a project i'm calling 'one to twenty nine.'  and yes folks, all of these portraits will be of yan.




birthday power | boise photographer, utah photographer

i have so much to blog its not even funny. okay, its a little funny. you know, the kind of funny where the laughter mixes with tears? its that kind of funny. but you know what?

today, my husband (the near perfect man) planned an entire day of birthday celebration for me. and i'm taking it. i cannot tell a lie (me and george washington are like this), and say i don't feel a little guilty. but for those of you waiting patiently for returned emails, phone calls, and to see your pretty faces featured on this blog, indulge me another 24 hours?

thanks and thanks!