now, this is getting confusing isn't it? Do the feet of the bride i post below match the feet of the bride in the post i'm creating now? if you were keen enough to notice (and i'm sure you were) the difference in bouquets, you must be shouting proudly from your keyboard, "no!" followed by a, "huh?"
well you see, carl and ashmae, the one's gussied up in this post, contrary to what the pictures portray, are not married.....yet. the magic happens this weekend. but you know what else is happening this weekend? the annual moore family reunion! (here we are putting two and two together again) So this couple, who happen to also equal the definition of loveliness
and I wanted to do a session together anyway. that way carl and ashmae can use some of the pictures from our session at the very wedding reception i sadly will have to miss. you follow? if not, who cares?! just look at the pictures....

i hope their children have eyes...

oh, hello, we are just being cute on the steps...

a lot of cheek kissing happened, which i think brings us up to the rating of G -

no, she's not going to san franscisco.

no jokes, just look at the pretty girl.

me: "hey guys be serious!" them: "pshhhh... (laughter ensues)......................but then......................they humor me.

but one word comes to mind, and that word is adorable (why are you laughing?)

there has to be heart forming somewhere in this picture...

did you see those stairs? much too steep to risk an untied shoe.

sun-streaked is the new black.

even their shadows are in love...

more sun, more shadows, more love.

dandelion. i can't think of anything else to write but dandelion.

i call this one, "cake toppers."

okay, drop that minus, we're headed in the rated G direction.

never mind, but still so pretty.

harsh light can be fun sometimes. and these guys can be fun too.

what?! new location! didn't see that one coming did you?

looking back...

i. just. love. this. shot.

and you thought you'd seen the last of the dandelions.

skittles, i'm watching for your phone call. taste the rainbow, anyone?

it started to get dark...

so we had to strike the poses while the sun was their for the striking.


best for last, in my not so humble opinion.
thanks carl and ashmae! good luck this weekend!