you know that thing we all do when we try to project to our readership and "fans," that we are the most successful photographer, like, ever? and where we refer to our businesses that are really only run by well, us, as in just one person, as "we?" like, "we are so glad you are considering yan photography." "we are so grateful to all of our beautiful 2011 clients," "we were nominated for this year's wedding wire (okay, not even going to go there...). but you know what i'm talking about right? well, i'm done. this is a one woman operation on up in here ( though uncle marty would like to be acknowledged for all of his behind the scenes contributions and mad second shooting skillz), and imma bout to own it.
its not that i don't want to sound fancy. and its not that i hate those of you out there who are doing exactly what i just described in the paragraph above. its just that i'm tired. i'm so so so so tired. i've always prided myself on being a real person, who engages in real conversation, with other similarly sincere people. and to tell you , to even imply, that i'm sitting pretty over here, raking it in with inquiries, and clients, and money money money, and all things related to success....
would be a
because we, ahem, at yan photography are struggling. and we are waiting for our phone to ring, and we are doing everyhing we can think of to get our name out there in a new market and a new state, and we are still only averaging about one freaking inquiry a week. to which we promptly get the response that we are too expensive.
and you know what i want to tell people? that behind that we is a me. a woman. a mother of three, with a husband in grad school. pinching and compromising to make ends meet. who can't afford to put her daughters in dance, or piano lessons, or the gosh darn school play which cost $250 (WHAT THE CRAP, RIGHT?!!!). a me who's bills are piling up so high, she feels overwhelmed and tearful every second of every day.
i want to tell them that i've worked hard at this. that i'm good. that i'm different. that i see beauty in the mundane, and can distill delicacy from the clumsy movements of a toddler with the way i wield my lens. i want to yell, look at me! notice me! i'm here, and i'll be a crazy good time on your wedding day, not to mention provide you with pictures that will make you cry as they remind you over and over again, what is good and real and important in life.
but i can't force anyone to hire me. try as i might, i can't put their-- or should i say, your, money in my pockets. i can't make you love my art. so i'm doing what i can. i'm creating. and i'm getting real. i'm stripping away all the pre-conceived notions of what success is and what it isn't. i can show you who i am, because i'm here at the bottom and i have nothing to lose. and really, that's what i should have been showing you all along.
oh yes, this is going to be a fun year.
and one last thing. a request really. if you've thought of hiring me but have been holding off. if you want to book a family session but you're in boise or utah, or somewhere other than Denver, Colorado (where i am right now in case you missed it). if you are getting married, and i'm your dream photographer (hahaha), but you just know i'm out of your budget.
write me. you might be thinner in six months, but your kids are growing up NOW. we can set up dates and multiple sessions for a boise or utah trip in the srping. we can take a look at your wedding budget and see if its possible to work something out.
because i want to know you, and i want to work with you.
and because,
i'm desperate.
has any photographer written those words online, publicly? EVER? no? well, its true. i don't want to false advertise, i won't give away the farm just yet. and i'm not going to sell my soul or anything. but i'm at a point where i'm willing to do a 'lil bending and compromising. not too much, but a little. also, i'm good. really good. and you want to work with me too.
i think.
i hope.
yeah, you do.
are some of you thinking i'm commiting business suicide right now?
am i?
quite possibly. all i know for sure, though is that i'm getting real and i'm being honest.
so bring it on 2012, bring it on. and seriously?
call me.
you would think that two people getting married would love each other. duh. that's kind of the point. still, i found myself surprised at the tenderness with which carrie and kevin looked at each other. at the way they laughed together loud and hard. at how they seemed the perfect compliment for one another's personalities and that during their first dance, for just a few minutes, it seemed, i kid you not, like all the right forces in the universe had aligned. photographing their wedding was a huge honor. i'm so lucky that i got to tell a story as beautiful as theirs with my camera.
most of the events of the day took place at the historic bishop's house in boise. i was in love with its soft, antique-ish, pastel palette
carrie's dress was absolutely incredible in its simplistic beauty. i believe she designed it herself and had it made. i can't imagine a dress more delicate or more perfect for carrie.
the ladies got ready in one of the charming little room's in the bishops house, and i'll confess right now: girls getting pretty and enjoying one another's company is one of my favorite things to photograph. there's a magic in the anticipation.
so sweet, carrie's sister in law was tearing up as she saw her in her dress.
everything about carrie is so adorably feminine and her shoes were no exception.
i just love the timelessness and feel of this shot.
i try to ask my brides to close their eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. i am in love with carrie's serene beauty here.
gasp, carrie, you take my breath away. seriously, who has such natural grace?
okay, get a load of kev's super excited face.
i am totally a proponent of a first look before the ceremony. where else would we get teary, sweet moments like these?
cannot handle carrie's cuteness...
we headed out for some portraits in the hot hot hot sun. but sun? you're not quiiiiiite as hot as kevin.
in case you were wondering, they needed just about NO direction.
love the shot above on the left. this was martin's perspective while we were working with carrie and kev.
kevin was such a gentleman. again, totally not directed.
fyi, seven bridesmaids and six groomsman might suggest that people like carrie and kevin, ALOT.
loved the little touches at the bishop's house.
carrie and kevin's dog got a little side tracked when it was his turn to walk down the aisle. carrie, however kept her eye on the prize.
how firm do you think this handshake is between kevin and carrie's dad?
how could i not have gotten a portrait of that dapper young man in the suit coat and tie. i hope his mother sees this.
toward the end of the night i couldn't help but steal carrie for a few more portraits. i am so happy she not only obliged me but then proceeded to ROCK the camera.
see, in this very moment, all was right in the world.
thank you again carrie and kevin. as my four year old myra would say, you make my heart happy.
sun valley, id on a fourth of july weekend? yes, please. everyone in attendance shedding tears during the first dance (or maybe that was just me), sure thing. this is jill and joe. crazy in love, major laid back cool, and sharing moments that are astonishingly beautiful. they got married on a mountain top and it suited them.
i love her tiny baby bump