mary and dave in love in seattle.

every day in third grade i watched for mary to show up. because if she didn't, that meant i would be playing basketball by myself at recess. in the seventh grade, i tried to "re-shape," my nostrils using the very advanced technique of holding them in a circular position with my fingers. you see, mary got a lot more attention from the male seventh graders, and using my brilliant yan logic, i thought, "its her nostrils, of course it is." turns out, it wasn't her nostrils, it was just mary. and she would be on the receiving end of many many MANY, DID I SAY MANY?!!!, ahem, admirers in her time. over the years, as we drifted in and out of touch, and i went off and got myself married, i kept my fingers crossed that my old friend mary would finally find a guy who would appreciate her for the kind, brilliant, secretly soft hearted, extremly loyal, and flirt of all flirts that  she is.

well, she found him.

anna and matt get married (and one other fun announcment)

before we get to the pretty, sweet, charming, magical (i could go on) wedding  i have for you today, i have to tell you about something exciting i got to be a part of last week. when melissa first contacted me about being a part of framed, i was kind of like, "huh?" and then, "uh-uh," because it involved cameras (the movie kind), and me in front of those scary movie cameras. but it also involved photography (okay, i love photography), and educating others on the subject for FREE. something i tend to think is a good idea. Framed is a brand new free show that features all kinds of amazing photog talent all over the gosh darn country. the show interviews photogs, and also films them as they work so viewers can see the real, behind the scenes photo action. my part? i got to co host one of the episodes with this favorite friend who you all know and love. we talked photo talk and about the balancing act between motherhood and photography. the launch date for the episode becky and i are on is yet to be determined, but you should definitely catch the episodes in between, i know i plan on it. and the thing is, we all really really really want to spread the word so that the show remains free to all the photo junkies like us out there, so if you have a minute, like them on facebook here. next item of business; a little thing i like to call love.

anna and matt were married on the lakefront property of one of their close  family friends at the end of august in sandpoint, id. this may have been one of the most perfect events i have ever attended. don't believe me? see the evidence: 1. i got to spend ALLL day with this couple in a BEAUTIFUL place.  2. did i mention the day was not too cool, not too hot, and perfectly cloudy with the sun peeking through the clouds now and again. 3. anna's laugh 4. the way matt smiled at anna every time she laughed. 5. the caliber of anna and matt's family and friends.