lemon yellow, aqua blue part 2 | boise wedding photographer

so maybe you don't know a little something about me. i like to take my wedding couples out on the town (or field, or abandoned building, or any other fancy location) for a "just them," session. this can take place the morning of, morning/evening before, morning/evening after the ACTUAL WEDDING day. its just a way to get to shoot at some really cool places and get some really cool pictures without the understandable pressure of, "can we hurry this up, the guests are waiting." so this is briana and david's "just them." we met downtown at hotel 43, and kept to about a 2 block radius. and we had a lot of fun. and we had a lot of lemmons. and we had a lot of love. thanks for looking. i welcome all fun and fresh bride and grooms to give me a call for the same experience. and even if you're not particulary fun, and a little less than fresh, still, give me a call. =)













adam and darcie | boise band photographer

take a walk with me everyone. away from the cute kids (they'll be fine). away from the lovely families (they'll remain endearing), and on over to the realm of super sweet ultra awesomeness. in other words, the land of band photography. sometimes during my family sessions, as i'm jabbering behind the lens, i say, "okay, now this is your band shot." upon which i proceed to attempt some weird angle or include a certain amount of artistic distortion. i like it. a little too much. when mom sees the photos she wonders why her child who was born with a perfectly beautiful, average sized nose, now appears to be the offspring of toucan sam.

recently i had the opportunity to actually photograph a band. a real one. adam and darcie. and they're good. really good. make you cry in your bathroom kind of good. these two genius' have even been featured on NPR's All Songs Considered.         yeah.

i was so nervous my photographs of them wouldn't measure up to the wonderful coolness that is their music. but thankfully, no toucans here today. alright, alright. there may be ONE shot of sir adam that is less than flattering. but. i inserted my watermark below his foot so that he appears to be on the verge of crushing yan photography like a bug. its my way of letting him get back at me.

now go check out their sweetness here .

after you look at the photos of course. and maybe even leave a comment. or 80. you decide.cement-blog-2the-valley-where-im-from








